How To Improve Your Badminton Backhand Clear

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Badminton backhand clear is the most effective way to keep the attacking opponents at bay. It is an essential shot that is needed to be mastered by every badminton player. But mastering it can be a daunting task if not done the right way. So, here we are to guide you on how to improve your badminton backhand clear with these six questions.


What is a badminton backhand clear, and why is it important?

A badminton backhand clear is a shot played from the back of the court that sends the shuttlecock high and far to the opponent’s backcourt. The clear is used to defend against an opponent’s attacking shots. The backhand clear is a crucial shot for every badminton player as it enables the player to get out of tight situations by creating some space between them and the opponent. A strong backhand clear can help you to escape an opponent’s attack and regain control of the rally.


What are the common mistakes in a badminton backhand clear?

The backhand clear can be challenging to master and requires a lot of practice. Some common mistakes players make are:

Not using the right technique – The backhand shot should be played with a straight arm and a firm wrist. Players sometimes try to force it using only their wrist, which results in a weak shot.

Lack of power – Players often lack the power to play a strong backhand clear. They either don’t use their full strength or don’t hit the shuttlecock high and far enough.

Poor footwork – Footwork is essential for playing a badminton backhand clear. Players often don’t position themselves correctly, which can result in a weaker shot.

Misreading the opponent’s shot – Misreading the opponent’s shot can lead to playing the wrong shot, making it difficult to play the perfect backhand clear.

3. What steps can you take to improve your badminton backhand clear?

To improve your badminton backhand clear, you need to practice regularly and follow these steps:

1. Understanding the technique – Understand the technique by watching tutorials and videos that demonstrate how to play a perfect backhand clear. Ensure that you are using the correct grip and have the right body position.

2. Strength training – Build strength in your arms, wrist, and upper body using weights or resistance bands. This will help you hit the shuttlecock harder.

3. Footwork – Ensure to position yourself correctly and use the right footwork techniques to allow you to hit the backhand clear with more power in a better position.

4. Practice – Practice consistently and regularly to develop muscle memory and perfect your technique.


How can you practice badminton backhand clears at home?

Here are some drills to help you practice badminton backhand clears at home:

1. Shadow Playing – Stand in front of a mirror and practice the backhand clear without a shuttlecock. This exercise will help you perfect your technique and body positioning.

2. Towel Drill – Tie a towel at the end of a rope and hang it at a reasonable height. Practice your backhand clear by targeting the towel. The towel drill allows you to practice hitting higher and longer backhand clears, which builds up your stamina and power.

3. Wall Drill – Stand facing a wall and hit the shuttlecock from your backhand position. This drill helps you to hit the shuttlecock accurately and to develop the right wrist action.

4. Chair Drill – Sit on a chair, hold up a racket and hit the shuttlecock from your backhand position. This drill helps you to develop the right technique and wrist action while strengthening your arms.


What are some drills to improve your badminton backhand clear?

Here are some drills that can help improve your backhand clear:

1. Backhand clear to forehand push – This drill involves hitting a backhand clear to the opponent’s backcourt from your backhand position. Followed by switching grip and playing a forehand push to the frontcourt, creating space for another backhand clear.

2. Backhand clear random – This drill involves getting someone to hit shots to different locations in the backcourt, and you hit a backhand clear to each of those locations.

3. Backhand clear and smash – Hit a backhand clear to the opponent’s backcourt, and as they return the shuttlecock, play a forehand smash.

4. Backhand clear and net shot – This drill involves hitting a backhand clear, followed by a quick change in grip and playing a net shot to the frontcourt.


How can you incorporate badminton strength training into your badminton regime?

Incorporating strength training into your badminton regime can be advantageous. Strength training allows you to serve stronger shots, hit harder smashes, and play more accurate shots. Here are some tips to incorporate badminton strength training into your badminton regime:

1. Resistance Bands – Use resistance bands to do exercises that strengthen your forearm and upper body muscles, which increase your strength and power.

2. Weight Training – Use weights to do some exercises that develop your arms, such as bicep curls and shoulder press.

3. Cardio – With cardio exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming, you can build your endurance and stamina, allowing you to last longer on the court.

4. Plyometric Exercises – Jumping, power squats, and lunges are excellent for building explosive power, essential for the backhand clear and smashes.

5. Core Strengthening – Core strengthening exercises will make you more stable on your feet and will enable you to move fluently while maintaining your balance.



In conclusion, the backhand clear is an essential shot in badminton that needs to be mastered. It requires a lot of practice, persistence, and discipline. With regular practice, you can improve your form and develop the strengths needed to play a powerful backhand clear. Incorporate these tips mentioned in this article, along with your practice regime, and you’ll be sure to see significant improvements in your backhand clears.

Ari Carter

Ari Carter

"I live and breath Badminton"

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