How To Do A Cross-Court Drop Shot In Badminton

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Are you looking for a way to execute a cross-court drop shot in badminton? Perhaps you’ve watched professionals perform this shot and wonder how they do it. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This guide will teach you how to execute this shot through step-by-step instructions. So, let’s dive in!


What is a Cross-Court Drop Shot in Badminton?

A cross-court drop shot in badminton is a shot played diagonally from one side of the court to the opposite side, with the intention of making the shuttlecock drop close to the net on the opponent’s side. It is a deceptive and finesse shot that requires precise control and touch.

To execute a cross-court drop shot, a player typically employs an underarm stroke, lightly tapping the shuttlecock with the racket strings to generate minimal power and send the shuttlecock over the net at a steep angle. The objective is to land the shuttlecock as close to the net as possible, making it challenging for the opponent to retrieve and potentially setting up an opportunity for the player to win the rally.

The cross-court aspect of the shot refers to the direction in which the shuttlecock is hit. For instance, if a player is standing on the right side of the court, they would aim to play the shot diagonally to the left side of the opponent’s court.

The cross-court drop shot is an effective strategy to change the pace of the game, catch opponents off guard, and create openings for more attacking shots or to regain control of the rally. It requires good court awareness, precise racket control, and the ability to disguise the shot to make it difficult for the opponent to anticipate.


Proper Form and Technique for a Cross-Court Drop Shot

Before executing a cross-court drop shot, you need to ensure that your form and technique are correct. Here are the steps to follow:

– Assume the right position: Stand at the center of the court with your racket in the ready position.
– Lean forward: Lean your body weight towards the net and tilt the racket’s head downwards. This position will allow you to hit the shuttlecock in a downwards motion.
– Aim for the right spot: Look towards the left diagonal corner of the opponent’s court and hit the shuttlecock to the open space. Your aim is to make it difficult for your opponent to return the shot.
– Pick your shot: Hit the shuttlecock with a short motion and a gentle flick of the wrist. It should be fast enough to fly over the net, yet slow enough to land near the front of your opponent’s court.


What are the Benefits of a Cross-Court Drop Shot in Badminton?

A cross-court drop shot is an effective shot that can add value to your game. Some of the benefits of using this shot include:

– Creates opportunities for you to take control of the game.
– Puts your opponent out of position.
– Takes your opponent by surprise, and they may be unable to return the shot.
– Helps you win points without using too much energy.


What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid?

Executing a cross-court drop shot requires precision, so it’s important to avoid the following mistakes:

– Overhitting the shuttlecock: Ensure you have proper form and technique when hitting the shuttlecock. Overhitting the shuttlecock will result in it failing to land within your opponent’s court, making it easy to return.
– Looking at the shuttlecock: You should always look at the corner where you intend to hit the shot. Focusing on the shuttlecock can distract you and affect your aim.
– Poor Timing: Take your time to analyze your opponent’s moves and look for an opportunity to execute the shot properly. Hitting the shot when your opponent is anticipating it can lead to a failed attempt.


How Can I Practice Cross-Court Drop Shot in Badminton?

Practice is essential when it comes to perfecting your cross-court drop shot. The following tips can help improve your skill:

– Train with beginners: Start by playing with beginners who won’t be able to return the shot. This will help you master the technique and gain confidence in your shot.
– Play with a partner: Play with a partner who can return the shot but is not an expert at it. This will help you practice your aim and technique.
– Work on positioning: Position yourself in different positions on the court and then hit the shot. This will help improve your accuracy and control.
– Use the correct equipment: Ensure you have the right racket and shoes, as they can affect the quality of your game.



The cross-court drop shot is a valuable shot in badminton that requires precision, control, and proper technique to execute successfully. To perform this shot, you need to be in the right position, lean forward, aim for the right spot, pick your shot, and avoid common mistakes. Practicing with beginners, partners, and working on positioning can help you improve your skill. With this guide, you are one step closer to being an expert in this shot. Practice, and you’ll soon be executing it like a pro.

Ari Carter

Ari Carter

"I live and breath Badminton"

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