How To Be Better At Badminton

Table of Contents

Despite being the fastest racquet sport in the world, badminton can be played both for fun and as a competitive sport. I’d been playing badminton for a while and couldn’t help but wonder why I wasn’t becoming any better.

Then I saw that the reason I wasn’t improving as a badminton player was that I was harboring poor habits. Let me give you some advice that I believe will make you a better badminton player, along with some background information on the game.


What Are The Basic Skills In Badminton?

The basic skills in badminton include:

  1. Forehand and backhand strokes: These are the basic strokes that players use to hit the shuttlecock. The forehand stroke is hit with the front of the racket and the backhand stroke is hit with the back of the racket.
  2. Serves: Players serve to start the game and also during play to score points. There are several different serves in badminton, including the high serve, low serve, and flick serve.
  3. Net play: This involves hitting the shuttlecock over the net and into the opponent’s court. Players use a variety of shots, including the drop shot, clear shot, and smash, to win points.
  4. Footwork: Good footwork is essential in badminton as players need to be able to move quickly and efficiently around the court to reach the shuttlecock.
  5. Court positioning: Players need to be aware of where they are on the court and where the shuttlecock is at all times in order to set up the next shot.
  6. Mental toughness: Badminton can be a mentally demanding sport, and players need to be able to stay focused and composed under pressure.


How To Make Badminton Easier?

  1. Practice regularly to improve your skill and endurance.
  2. Use a lighter racket to reduce fatigue and increase control.
  3. Play with a softer shuttlecock to slow down the game and make it easier to hit.
  4. Use a shorter and wider court to reduce the distance you need to cover.
  5. Play with a partner who is at a similar skill level to you.
  6. Focus on improving your footwork and positioning on the court.
  7. Use an overgrip or grip tape on your racket handle to improve your grip and control.
  8. Use a slower string tension in your racket to increase power and control.
  9. Work on your serve technique to make it easier to start a rally.
  10. Take breaks and stretch between games to prevent fatigue and injury.


How Long Does It Take To Be Better At Badminton?

It’s true what they say—”practice makes perfect”—and the same is true with badminton. Therefore, you get better at playing the more you play. If you only play badminton once a week, it won’t be sufficient. Otherwise, learning the game of badminton will take forever.

  • If you want to play in the garden or your backyard, it will take five months.
  • To play badminton at the level of a professional beginner, it takes one year.
  • If you want to learn badminton at an intermediate level, it takes two to three years.
  • To play badminton professionally at a high level, it takes about six years.


What Are Some Tips To Be Better At Badminton?

  1. Practice your forehand and backhand.

Hit the shuttle with only the forehand grip at first, then just the backhand grip, high towards the ceiling. Use both sides of the racquet simultaneously once you feel at ease. After that, quicken your juggling. Lastly, perform it while walking to increase the difficulty.


  1. Conjure up the shuttle

Use the forehand and backhand grips separately to hit the shuttle high and upwards. Use both sides of the racquet simultaneously once you feel at ease. Reduce the height at which you hit the shuttle after that. Do it while walking to make it more difficult.


  1. Work on your lunges.

You can swiftly reach the shuttle and avoid injury by using lunges. Try lunging from every angle on the court. Increase your stride length as you improve by beginning with short strides. You will get faster and better with practice.


  1. When Up Against The Wall

Your defensive awareness, hand-eye coordination, and ball sense all improve when you hit against a wall. Hit harder and flatter after a slow start and additional practice. Calculate how many shots you can make in, say, a minute by timing yourself.


  1. Discover How to Create Power

Your shots are not very forceful when you first start. Playing and practicing frequently will build power. Controlling your shots and coordinating will help you achieve this. The chest and arms will only serve as conduits for the power that will be generated by the legs.


  1. Make the other person sway back and forth

To get your opponent to go back and forth, use maneuvers like the lift, lob, drop shot, and smash. Your badminton game will advance thanks to it.

Play shots to the extreme left and right sides of the court to make your opponent move from one side to the other, much as causing your opponent to move back and forth. Put a focus on getting your opponents to move around the court, and you’ll develop into a tough opponent to play badminton with.


  1. Attack the backhand of the opposition

The majority of badminton players typically have a weak backhand. Attack the backhand corners of the court by doing so.


  1. Make your footwork better

Perform the front-back and six-corner footwork. Your speed will rise, you’ll be able to retrieve low shuttles, and you’ll be able to get out of tight spots with the proper footwork technique. Additionally, speed, efficiency, and safety will be taken care of. You should put a lot of practice into your footwork, particularly for the overhead stroke. See my three-part video series on perfecting your footwork. Once you have mastered the footwork, you will be flying all over the court.


  1. Aim to Serve Perfectly

A good service is crucial since it prepares you for the next opportunity. In singles and doubles games, you can serve with your backhand, forehand, or both. To start, read this article to discover how to perfect the backhand serve!


  1. Jump and Hit

Include the leap in your shots once you are familiar with methods like the smash and drop shot. Gradually advance to complete jumps after beginning with tiny ones. You’ll gain greater power and speed through jumps.


  1. Spin net Your Way To Win Points

The shuttle can be rotated left, right, backward, and around. Exercise alone or with a companion. To efficiently spin the shuttle during the game, make sure you get it when it is high.



The sport of badminton is enjoyable and excellent exercise. You need lightning-quick feet, solid technique, and a clever sense of strategy to be a knockout badminton player. You must find a strategy to play to your strengths and take advantage of your opponent’s shortcomings if you already know how to play badminton but want to improve.

Ari Carter

Ari Carter

"I live and breath Badminton"

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