How To Practice Badminton Alone

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Circumstances don’t necessarily have to be in your favor, like this: “There is no badminton court near my house or no players to practice with”. If there is no badminton court nearby, you can start practicing at home, or if there are no players nearby, you can practice badminton alone at home. There are different types of exercises you can do to improve your game. You will learn about these exercises in this article.


What Is Solo Badminton Practice?

Solo badminton practice consists of a variety of exercises and training methods to train you to compete against friends, family, or tournaments.


  • Practice smash shots on the wall
  1. First, find a nice wall free of windows, drains, posters, mailboxes, and other objects that might get in the way and interfere with your practice.
  2. Then analyze how you broke down the wall, how fast you were able to break it down, and how clear your plans and goals were. This is very important. Because smash shots are easily countered by intermediate-level players if they have good reason to believe they are ready.
  3. Practice hitting from different angles to improve your game and make you a more versatile player.
  4. The next step is to practice and master the art of repelling smash shots coming back from walls. please do not worry. Not all shots in this exercise have to be direct hits. Instead, it helps to try to stabilize the situation by taking a quick shot against the wall and then positioning yourself for the next smash.


  • Practice backward speed on the wall
  1. This exercise improves reaction speed and control when hitting the shuttlecock.
  2. Set realistic goals. For example, from the wall, he starts with 20 or 30 returns per minute. It’s best to aim for the shuttlecock off the ground as well, but it’s okay to bounce off the ground occasionally when starting these exercises.
  3. Practice makes perfect with these exercises. It may take a long time to see results. However, he only adds 5 extra returns each time he hits a previous goal, greatly improving his skill. 4. You can also add some smash shots in between for more difficulty. This is also very useful in badminton. It has to be unpredictable and explosive within milliseconds so that your opponent doesn’t have time to physically react.


  • Exercise control without the need for walls
  1. Not all solo badminton practice needs a wall. Instead, grab a badminton racket and a shuttlecock to practice control and see if you can bounce the shuttlecock in the air over and over again using just the badminton racket.
  2. To make it even more difficult, you can try increasing the height at which you hit the shuttlecock in the air. Another useful trick is to try to stay in a stationary position. So you have to actually control the shuttlecock because you can’t chase it.


  • Doing laps around the court
  1. Fitness and endurance are two very important factors in badminton. Even if your goal is not to become the next badminton world champion, if you have the passion to improve as a badminton player, you will definitely achieve results.
  2. Fast is very important. So a round on an indoor or outdoor badminton court with badminton court can help. 3. You need to hit the shuttlecock harder, so it definitely helps to train your arms to increase strength. A handy workout that doesn’t require paying for a gym membership, every day or several he can simply do 20 push-ups to build the strength needed to support a game of badminton.


What Is Shadow Practice in Badminton?

Badminton shadow practice is where badminton players go out on the badminton court to practice their footwork and positioning. This is an often overlooked but important part of the game.

Badminton shadow training procedure:


1. First, look at your side of the court and all 6 of his corners to get a sense of perspective and strategy.

2. Next, choose a position to start your serve or a position to return your serve, and imagine how the shuttlecock would react when hit in a certain direction in a normal game. 3. Now act in response to your movements, noting how many steps you took or other body movements during that time.

3. Analyze and check every action you have taken in this game. Were all these steps and movements necessary? Also, ask yourself if they were efficient.

4.  You also need to think about “recovery” after the shot. This basically means how quickly you were able to focus on countering the enemy’s next move.

It helps to aim for a good balance between hitting and returning, and always try to be ready as quickly as possible for whatever happens next.

5. Also, make sure your head is always up. This is very important. Because you need to be aware of your opponent’s positioning and movements to guess what moves your opponent is planning and where you’re most likely to score points if you hit the shuttlecock. You also need to be aware of your teammate’s position (if playing doubles) to make sure they both cover half the field.

6. Another important part is fitness and endurance training. This is important because you need to effectively go from the nets to the backlines and vice versa. Also, in situations where this kind of movement is required in badminton, you have to jump and squat quickly. 8. Finally, try to do this exercise at least several times a week. This doesn’t need to be done every day or as often as other fitness or skill exercises.


Which Physical Exercises You Can Do At Home?

There is no reason not to exercise. Every city has a playground for training. Many players lose the game on the physical level alone. You can get in shape by doing different types of exercises that help increase endurance, strength, flexibility, etc. which are very important in badminton.

To be honest, I was the type of player who had the power to beat my opponent but didn’t have the physical strength and couldn’t show my strength throughout the match.

What I’m trying to say is that if you don’t have the skills to train with top players, that’s no excuse that your fitness isn’t as good as the best-paid players.


Here’s a rough idea for home training for badminton players:


Cardio:- Jumping jacks, Burpee, Mountain climber etc.

Leg exercise:- Lunges, squats, wall chair etc.


These figures are the standards that badminton players must achieve if they want to compete at the highest level. In addition, fitness and agility exercises can be done to develop speed and strength.



Badminton is a sport that requires quick reactions. Many people believe that they need an opponent to improve their badminton skills, but this is actually not the case. This article will teach you how to play badminton alone to practice and improve your skills at any time.

How to play badminton alone The answer depends on the skill you want to train and improve.

For example, if you’re trying to improve your return, you can hit the shuttlecock against a wall and knock it back when it bounces back. You can also get a timer and see how many times you bounce the shuttlecock off the wall and back to 1 minute to practice your reaction time. You can also try to return them while practicing “hitting” against the wall.

Make sure you are consistent in your badminton practice. You won’t see results the moment you start, but you’ll see them after a good number of solo practice sessions.

Ari Carter

Ari Carter

"I live and breath Badminton"

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