How To Execute A Good Badminton Flick Serve

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Badminton is a racquet sport played by two or four players who take turns serving and hitting a shuttlecock over a net. A flick serve in badminton is a serve technique where the shuttlecock is hit in an upward motion, causing it to travel quickly to the opponent’s side. It is an essential skill for any badminton player who wants to keep their opponent on their toes and gain the upper hand in the game. In this article, we will explore the necessary steps to execute a good badminton flick serve.


Understanding the Basic Technique of the Flick Serve

The badminton flick serve is a powerful and deceptive technique that requires proper technique and timing. The basic method involves hitting the shuttlecock in an upward motion, giving it enough height to cross the net, and land in the opponent’s court. To execute a good flick serve, you need to first understand the basic technique involved. Here are the steps to follow.

Step 1: Start in a perfect position with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your non-racket foot forward. Your weight should be on your back foot.

Step 2: Hold the shuttlecock in your non-racket hand.

Step 3: Hold your racket hand loose, with your forearm and elbow parallel to the floor.

Step 4: Toss the shuttlecock slightly above your head and hit it with a quick and powerful upward flick with your wrist.

Step 5: Use your other hand to guide and support the shuttlecock as you hit it.


Practice the Flick Serve from Different Positions

To master the flick serve, you need to practice it from different positions such as the forehand, backhand, and midcourt. You can also try practicing it from different angles to see how the shuttlecock behaves. Start practicing your flick serve by standing in the middle of the court and hitting the shuttlecock over the net. Then move to the back of the court and practice hitting the shuttlecock from there. The idea is to practice until you can execute the flick serve with confidence and precision.


Improve Your Racket Control

Controlling the racket is an essential aspect of the flick serve, and it requires years of practice to perfect. As you practice the flick serve, focus on the position of your racket. Keep your wrist steady and use it to create the necessary flicking motion. Exercise and strengthen your forearm and wrist muscles, as they are the most important muscles for racket control.


Focus on Timing and Deception

Timing and deception are two crucial components of a successful flick serve. You need to know precisely when to hit the shuttlecock and how to deceive your opponent. To do this, you must practice the flick serve tirelessly and learn when to hit it at different speeds and angles. You can also add variations to your flick serve to keep the opponent guessing. For instance, you can alternate between soft and hard flick serves, change direction suddenly, or mix up your rhythm.


Get the Right Equipment

Having the right equipment is crucial for executing a good flick serve. You need a racket that is comfortable to hold and has the right weight and balance. A grip that is too small or too big can affect your performance and lead to injury. You also need the right shoes to help you move around the court quickly and prevent injuries. Finally, ensure that the shuttlecock you use is of good quality and suitable for the type of game you are playing.


Play More Games

The best way to improve your flick serve and your overall skill level in badminton is to play more games. Playing games will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and refine your technique. You will also learn how to read your opponent’s moves and anticipate their next shot. Playing games regularly will help you build your confidence and make you a better badminton player.



The badminton flick serve is a powerful and deceptive technique that requires proper technique, timing, and practice to perfect. By following the above steps and practicing regularly, you can master this technique and become a formidable opponent on the badminton court. Remember to focus on the basics, improve your racket control, focus on timing and deception, get the right equipment, and play more games.

Ari Carter

Ari Carter

"I live and breath Badminton"

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